About the Congress Centre
The Smolenice village and the well-known Smolenice Castle are situated at the foothill of the Little Carpathiens (Male Karpaty) Mountains, 60 kms to the northwest of Bratislava. The Congress Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS) is situated in the castle. Each year, numerous international congresses and symposiums with international attendance organized by scientific institutions of the SAS take place there. Congress Centre SAS provides various services for comfort and recovery to its guests after scientific events facilitating the international integration.
The first written documents about the existence of Smolenice date back to the 13th century, although its origin is as ancient as the Neo-Feudalism. Several aristocratic families lived there as the landlords. The importance of Smolenice increased considerably in the 15th century as a castle was built there and became the centre and the seat of the Smolenice estate. Reconstruction of the Smolenice Castle of today was started early in the 20th century. First works of the fortification walls started in 1887. During World War I, the reconstruction was interrupted; provisional adaptation of some rooms was made and the archives of the Pálffy family were located in them. The construction was not resumed before the end of World War II. In 1945 the castle became the property of the State; it was taken over by the Slovak National Council which decided to keep it as their summer-house. The castle was finished and furnished and handed over to the Slovak Academy of Sciences on 26th June 1953 to become a representative place for meetings of the scientists from the worldwide.
GPS location: 48°30’49.9″N 17°25’57.7″E